W Geoblogu od: 10.01.2024

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connect 4 is a two-player connecting board game in which players choose a color and then take turns dropping colored discs into a seven-column, six-row vertical hanging grid where you must line up four pieces. Before moving, it is important to find four of your opponent's pieces to block them.The pieces fall straight down, occupying the lowest available space in the column.The object of the game is to be the first to form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of four of his own discs. Connect Four is a solved game. The first player can always win by making the right move.Tap on the column to drop your colored tiles.CONNECT 4 GAMES, ALL MODES FOR 4 IN ONE ROWYou can play this game in three modes:One-player mode allows you to play against the computer. Difficulty increases with level. "Single Player": You will play against AI (artificial intelligence). There are different levels of difficulty. Will you be able to connect four in a row with the most "smart" robot?2-player mode allows you to play with another player on another device. "Two Players": a classic match where each player spins their colored chips. The first person to connect four in a row wins.Mode 3: "Online": Multiplayer internet mode. Online multiplayer mode allows you to play with another connected player. This is a classic tournament where each player takes turns playing his colored chips. The first person to connect four of their chips wins.